Punjab: - State of Punjab has great historical discoveries unearthed at Ropar, Kirtarpur, Dholbaha, Rahira and Ghuram and Sanghol. The State has an epithet, "through the enterprising spirit and untiring toil of its people" Punjab is a land of river, fertile soils and steady achievements. Many great religious movements that found world wise appeal grew in its fertile plains of Punjab. This ethnic and religious diversity is reflected in the culture values. Over different period of history Punjab has seen its boundaries expand and shrink. The state of Punjab was last divided in 1966 for administrative reasons creating Haryana.
Although Punjab comprises less than 1.5% of land area, it provides 55% of India's Wheat and 37% of its rice to the central pool. The Punjab provides a third of all the milk produced in the country.
Geographical location : Punjab is located in the northwestern corner of the India on 35 degree latitude and 74 degree longitude covering an area of 50362 sq. kms (2% the country’s total geographical area), comprising mostly of plain and fertile soil. It is bounded on the north by the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, on the east by Himachal Pradesh and the Union territory of Chandigarh, on the south by Haryana and Rajasthan, and on the west, it shares a long border with Pakistan. Chandigarh,a new planned city was conceived and built in the 1950's to serve as the capital of Punjab.